Our Team
Yale Model United Nations Taiwan is a completely undergraduate-student-led organization. Each of our secretariat members are selected through a stringent application and interview process, and members work 3-10 hours a week (unpaid) to ensure the best possible conference and committee experience for you and your delegates.
Please learn more about our incredible team members for YMUNT XI below:
Lee-Ann Kao
Lee-Ann Kao (she/her) is a junior from Zionsville, IN, majoring in Statistics & Data Science and Global Affairs. She is so excited to be entering her third year with YMUNT, which has been one of the most integral parts of her undergraduate experience. Lee-Ann is Taiwanese-American and visits her family in Taipei every year, where she can eat an infinite amount of mango shaved ice and oyster omelettes. Outside of her work as YMUNT’s Secretary-General, Lee-Ann co-leads the Taiwanese-American Society at Yale. In her free time, you can find her outside on her picnic blanket in Branford Courtyard, doing anything related to the visual arts, or exploring new places on campus. She can’t wait to meet all of the delegates and advisors this year, and welcomes any questions, comments, or concerns at secgen@ymunt.org.
Nick Liu
Director-General of Operations
Nick (he/him) is a second-year from Long Island, New York pursuing a degree in Economics. He is Chinese American with roots in Beijing and Nanjing, and cares deeply for vintage fashion, the written word, and eclectic, intercultural creativity. Nick is a part of the Global Strategy Consulting Group at Yale, serves as a World Fellow Liaison for the Jackson School of Global Affairs, and works for the Yale Chaplain’s Office. He enjoys weightlifting, talking about music, and growing his collection of unfinished books and writing projects. After directing the UNESCO Committee last year, Nick is ecstatic to return to Taipei for his second conference. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, or concerns at dg.operations@ymunt.org!
Sophia Chin McManus
Director-General of Committees
Sophia Chin McManus (she/her) is an international student from São Paulo, Brazil majoring in Film and Comparative Literature on the literary translation track with a certificate in Chinese. Outside of YMUN Taiwan, Sophia previously served as the Secretary-General for the first iteration of YMUN Latin America and as a Director for the YMUN Korea team. She's a member of the Undergraduate Catholic Council, sings with acapella group Pitches & Tones, and works for the Yale Peabody Museum as a Video Production Assistant. In her free time she enjoys writing, translating and practicing kung-fu. She is very excited to re-join the YMUNT team as the Director-General of Committees and can be contacted at dg.committees@ymunt.org. Feel free to reach out to her with any of your committee-related questions or with your favorite zombie movie rec!
Taee Chi
Under-Secretary-General of International Delegations
Taee (he/him) is a sophomore from Flushing, New York, studying Economics and Data Science. In addition to the work he does at YMUNT, he is involved in YUCG and Elmseed, two consulting groups on campus. He also does research at the School of Management, tutors local elementary school students, and teaches boxing at the mixed martial arts club. In his free time he enjoys creative writing, and hopes to eventually produce his own short film! His email is always open at intl.delegations@ymunt.org or taee.chi@yale.edu, and he urges you to reach out in the case of any questions or concerns.
Jacob Liao
Under-Secretary-General of Taiwanese Delegations
Jacob Liao (he/him) is a junior from Palo Alto, CA, majoring in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and Applied Math. Jacob’s family is from Taichung, and he attended elementary and middle school in Taiwan. Outside of his role as YMUNT’s Under-Secretary-General of Taiwanese Delegations, Jacob works as a neuroscience researcher for the Kuan and Howard Labs at Yale. In his free time, Jacob enjoys reading manga and playing chess. Jacob is looking forward to hearing from delegates and advisors regarding any questions at tw.delegations@ymunt.org or jacob.liao@yale.edu.
Alicia Deng
Under-Secretary-General of Branding
Alicia (she/her) is a sophomore originally from Columbus, Ohio, double majoring in Computing & the Arts and Global Affairs. She loves anything related to art, and manages the design and communications departments for a few other Yale organizations. Alicia is truly passionate about anything creative or artistic— fashion, crocheting, painting, etc.. Recently, she’s been exploring hobbies such as photography and cooking. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns at branding@ymunt.org or alicia.deng@yale.edu.
Way Lee
Under-Secretary-General of Committtees
Way (he/him) is a junior from Singapore majoring in Computer Science and Economics. On campus, Way consults for several consulting clubs, competes for the Model UN Team at Yale, and was also a part of YMUN Taiwan, YMUN Korea, and YMUN Singapore. This past summer, Way had the opportunity to intern at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Singapore, so he is incredibly excited about the prospect of bringing his committee on Taiwan's diplomatic crisis to life. Please feel free to contact him with any questions you have at way.lee@yale.edu.
Nicholas Yee
Under-Secretary-General of Outreach
Nicholas Yee (he/him) is a sophomore from Hong Kong majoring in Global Affairs and History, and pursuing a certificate in Japanese. After leading MUN conferences in Hong Kong, he is so excited to return to Asia and bring his passions for international development and relationship-building to serve as the USG of Outreach and Director of the World Bank. Nick has a deep love for almost everything Hong Kong, taking in breathtaking views, and will eat anything (except onions). Outside of YMUNT, he can be found practicing with the Yale Men's Club Volleyball team, taking (hopefully) pretty photos with his digital camera, struggling to learn the guitar, and thrifting semi-vintage clothing at low prices. He's so excited to meet everyone in March, and welcomes anyone to reach out at outreach@ymunt.org or nicholas.yee@yale.edu.
Gloria Kunnapilly
Gloria is from San Antonio, Texas and a sophomore in Branford (the best residential college at Yale!) She studies Cognitive Science but loves exploring classes outside her major. She is involved in other YMUN conferences such as YMUN LI and YMUN GD Goenka. Outside of YMUN, Gloria works as a Branford College Aide and as a Peer Liaison for the Asian American Cultural Center. She is also in Yale Undergraduate Diversified Investments. In her free time, Gloria enjoys reading, watching movies, and hanging out with friends and family! You can reach out to her at gloria.kunnapilly@yale.edu for any questions!
Hiroko Kawase
Hiroko Kawase (she/hers) is a junior majoring in Cognitive Science and Education Studies with a certificate in Chinese! She is originally from Tokyo, Japan but grew up in New York, Hong Kong, and London. She is so excited to be returning to Taiwan for YMUNT after studying abroad in Taipei as a Richard U. Light fellow! Outside of YMUNT, Hiroko works as a tour guide on Yale's campus and debates for the Yale Debate Association. In her free time, you can find Hiroko writing food reviews, lounging in the trumbull courtyard, and scrolling on substack! She can't wait to meet all of you soon and please feel free to reach out to her at hiroko.kawase@yale.edu!
Elspeth Yeh
Elspeth Yeh (she/her) is elated to be a first-year student in Ezra Stiles College studying Sociology and Humanities. Originally from Cambridge, Massachusetts, her hometown pride manifests in her avid support for the Red Sox and interest in municipal politics. At Yale, Elspeth writes for the Yale Daily News, works as a City Engagement Fellow, performs in and produces theater, and serves on the Taiwanese American Society board. However, her favorite moments outside class are spent working with the YMUNT XI secretariat organizing this conference! She is constantly reading both for class and for fun but always finds time for her Nintendo Switch and baking sweet treats. Her email inbox at elspeth.yeh@yale.edu is always open for any questions or conversations!
Thomas Lin
Thomas (he/him) is a freshman from Hamilton, Canada, hoping to major in philosophy and economics. Thomas was born in Shanghai, China, and is deeply passionate about Chinese culture, ranging from martial arts to the Four Classic Novels. Outside of YMUN Taiwan, Thomas is part of Yale's first-year humanities program "Directed Studies." He is also involved in multiple Christian ministries on campus, works as a research assistant at the Divinity School, consults for campus consulting clubs, and writes for the Yale Daily News. In Thomas' free time, he enjoys exploring 20th-century continental philosophy, playing basketball in the Payne Whitney Gym, and eating at diverse restaurants in New Haven. Thomas is very excited to serve as Director for YMUNT XI and cannot wait to make this conference an unforgettable experience for you all! Please reach out to thomas.lin@yale.edu if you have any questions or want to have a chat!