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About Assured Asset Management
Assured Asset Management (“Assured”) was founded in 2017. Assured is registered under MAS license. We provide professional and institutional investors with direct access to high quality alternative assets worldwide. We leverage core competencies in technology, risk management, and global networks to achieve superior returns and drive key insights that simplify the asset management experience. We carefully curate fund products customized for each individual or institutional investor.
Learn more about Assured https://assuredam.com/
深入了解安誼金融 https://assuredam.com/zh/首頁/
Crimson Education Taiwan
Crimson Education is the world's most successful university admissions consultancy, empowering students to be 4.5x more likely to gain acceptance to the most competitive universities globally.
With a team of over 2,400 expert tutors and mentors from the world’s most prestigious universities, Crimson offers personalised education and career mentoring. We support students in gaining access to their best-fit, top-ranked universities across countries such as the US, UK, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia through comprehensive services, including academic tutoring, standardized test prep, leadership and extracurricular advising, admissions consulting, and medical school admissions support.
Crimson started 10 years ago as an admissions consultancy helping Kiwi students get into the world’s top colleges has turned into an ecosystem of online education products that allow students around the world to accelerate their studies from pre-primary to postgraduate. Through rapid innovations in product and tech, we have scaled our impact and supercharged the education careers of over 100,000 students from more than 60 countries.
Crimson has been featured in several renowned media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The New York Times, BBC, CNBC, Business Insider, Financial Times, and TechCrunch. Crimson was also spotlighted by TIME as one of the World's Top 50 EdTech Companies!
Visit the Crimson Education website to learn more about our network, our edtech platforms and free resources for families. https://bit.ly/41cKU03
Crimson Education(紅序國際教育)是全球領先的留學顧問公司,擁有一支由頂尖英美大學畢業的一流導師、升學專家、業界精英,以及前大學招生官組成的明星師資團隊。我們致力於幫助全球學生成功進入世界頂尖學府,並協助申請美國、英國、加拿大、歐洲及紐澳的知名學校。與一般申請者相比,Crimson學生錄取英美頂尖名校的機率高出4.5倍!
Crimson 提供全面的一站式服務,涵蓋學業輔導、標準化考試準備、領導力與課外活動指導、選校選系規劃、寄宿學校申請及醫學院申請等支援。我們透過一對一的客製化輔導課程,由不同專業的老師分工合作,分別負責策略規劃、文書指導和學程安排,全方位協助學生在競爭激烈的環境中脫穎而出,成功進入夢想大學。
Crimson 更多次登上國內外知名媒體,包括《華爾街日報》、《富比士》、《紐約時報》、BBC、CNBC、《商業內幕》、《金融時報》和 TechCrunch,並被《TIME時代雜誌》評選為全球 50 大頂尖 EdTech 公司之一!這些報導在台灣媒體間也引發廣泛關注,獲得《天下雜誌》、《聯合新聞網》、《關鍵評論網》、《經濟日報》及《中時電子報》等媒體的報導。
立即前往 Crimson 官網了解更多服務內容與台灣學生故事,也歡迎預約免費初步諮詢,開啟升學之旅:https://bit.ly/41cKU03
About Goodnotes
Goodnotes is the leading AI digital paper used by millions of people worldwide. Launched in 2011, Goodnotes started as an improvement to physical paper notes — introducing the ability to take handwritten digital notes, search handwritten text, and organize everything into a digital library. Today, Goodnotes continues to pioneer technological innovations in productivity, featuring advances such as the world’s first generative AI for handwriting and in-app AI assistant Ask Goodnotes.
Quick Facts
Founded in 2011 by Steven Chan
Apple's 2022 iPad App of the Year
Over 25 million monthly active users
Learn more about Goodnotes: https://bit.ly/3WAKcHk
Try Goodnotes 6 for free now: https://open.goodnotes.com/kX2p/c787by8e
關於 Goodnotes
Goodnotes 廣受全球數以百萬計人士喜愛的無紙化AI電子筆記。Goodnotes 於 2011 年推出,一開始是為了改善實體紙質筆記 - 引入手寫數位筆記、搜尋文字,以及將所有內容整理。時至今日,Goodnotes 繼續創新技術,包括全球首創的AI手寫辨識功能和智能助理 Ask Goodnotes。
由 Steven Chan 於 2011 年創立
Apple 2022 年度 iPad 應用程式
每月活躍用戶超過 2500 萬
深入瞭解 Goodnotes:https://bit.ly/3WAKcHk
立即免費試用 Goodnotes 6: https://open.goodnotes.com/kX2p/c787by8e
ESGTimes—Professional ESG Media and Strategic Partner
ESGTimes specializes in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), providing real-time updates and in-depth analysis on sustainability trends, regulations, and industry developments to enhance corporate competitiveness. Through corporate interviews, global case studies, expert columns, and industry insights, we ensure comprehensive ESG coverage. Our social media platforms also offer short-form video content for quick access to ESG updates.
Beyond media reporting, ESGTimes provides tailored ESG solutions through a dedicated consulting team, assisting businesses in integrating sustainability goals, preparing sustainability reports, and enhancing brand value and market competitiveness to attract investment.
Guided by the principle of “bridging knowledge and practice,” we collaborate with businesses, government agencies, and academia to foster ESG dialogue and drive sustainable development.
Official Website: https://esgtimes.com.tw/
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/esgtimes_tw/
ESGTimes 官方網站:https://esgtimes.com.tw/
ESGTimes 社群平台:https://www.instagram.com/esgtimes_tw/
Headwater Capital is a top tier post-investment management team. We seek suitable industry expert partners to provide financial, equity design, legal, and business development services. Together, we aim to build a vibrant startup ecosystem that can rapidly create value.
Headwater Capital is committed to establishing long-term trust relationships with investment portfolio teams. We employ the highest standards in post-investment management and engage in direct discussions with portfolio team members to address the challenges encountered at different stages, leveraging our respective expertise and experience to collectively overcome these issues and nurture the growth of the project company.
Official Website: https://www.headwaterven.com/en