Awards Criteria

Delegates must submit position papers through this form by March 1st 2025, to be eligible for the Position Paper Award. They must submit their position paper through the same form by the first committee session and attend 5 out of 7 committee sessions in order to be eligible for all other awards.

YMUNT recognizes exemplary delegates in each committee with awards for Best Delegate, Outstanding Delegate, and Honorable Mention. When designating awards, chairs are instructed to holistically evaluate all delegates for their contributions in committee; there is no “point system” or explicit evaluative criteria. Rather, YMUNT seeks to acknowledge delegates who embody and demonstrate the mission of the conference: “Empower, Enrich, Excel”. 

  1. YMUNT encourages delegates to empower each other in committee. Delegates should be collaborative in spirit and actively seek to work with other delegates. Focus on supporting and emboldening your fellow delegates, not on “beating” them. 

  2. YMUNT appreciates delegates that enrich debate. Delegates should make thoughtful and sage remarks, prioritizing quality over quantity. Focus on the content of your speeches, not how many speeches you make. 

  3. YMUNT hopes that each delegate will excel in their own way. Excellence means something different for each delegate: focus on setting your own goals for growth, and work towards these goals throughout the conference. 

Separate to the three main awards is the Position Paper award. Delegates must apply for the Position Paper award by submitting their paper through this form to their committee director by the early position paper deadline (March 1st, 2025). This award is given to the overall best position paper in each committee, based on criteria such as information and position accuracy, structure, language and originality of ideas. See more information on how to write a good position paper here.

Number of Awards by Committee Type

Beginner-Friendly: 1 Position Paper Award, 2 Honorable Mentions, 2 Outstanding Delegate Awards and 1 Best Delegate Award.
Classic: 1 Position Paper Award, 2 Honorable Mentions, 1 Outstanding Delegate Awards and 1 Best Delegate Award.
Crisis: 1 Position Paper Award, 1 Honorable Mentions, 1 Outstanding Delegate Awards and 1 Best Delegate Award.